Tea and Response5
Morning Tea and Response5...it's the perfect combo! Sometimes the best time to do Response5 is when you had no real plan to do so...
Morning Tea and Response5...it's the perfect combo! Sometimes the best time to do Response5 is when you had no real plan to do so...
The instant I saw them my "Response5 instincts" took over and I knew I needed to offer my course! ...my gift to them:)....keep reading, this could be very advantages to you!!!!!!! This well geared, well prepared group of three were just a couple of days in on what could possibly end up being a 855km (555mile) hike!!!! Wow,right?
Your dog is limping...and the Vet recommends lots and lots of rest! Good luck,right! Here's a few things to do to avoid surgery...
Unsure this will work? You should be! It's human nature anytime we step into something new. So have self doubt...and then do the work you are meant to do anyway...Response5.
I have to admit, I was desperate to find something, anything, to help Sarge with his hip dysplasia. He was maxed out on medication and it was killing me to see him struggle with every step he took. ...and it made sense to me to take a neurological approach (which is what Response5 does) to help him.
I just had a really great experience with Response5 that I thought I'd share with you:). We have two very ill patients at my work, a cat and a dog, both have been hooked up on IV fluids the past couple days.
I've learned to slow myself down, respect the dogs fears and take the time to apply Response5. As much as I love dogs and love what I do, Response5 has added a deeper connection to my work.
When I got him back home I proceeded with two rounds of Response5. His shakiness, his rapid breathing and his cries started to slow down after each move to the point he went into a relaxed sleep.
It so comforting to know that I can begin the healing process even before we arrive at the vets!
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