Most asked question
Can I use the same 5 Steps of Response5 for any mobility issue?
The answer to the most asked question....on video!
Can I use the same 5 Steps of Response5 for any mobility issue?
The answer to the most asked question....on video!
Degenerative Myelopathy is a progressive disease with no known cure. That's why I took on the challenge! my shock and amazement we are getting awesome results!!!
There is no question in my mind that Response5 will be used when any dog that is 10 years or older comes through my clinic doors!
Rescue dogs have it pretty hard, and that stress can make it harder for them to get adopted.
I'll begin and end this note with Love. ...and in between I hope, I trust, that this letter will bring peace to your heart. Saying our final goodbyes to a member of our family is with out question, the most heart aching thing we will ever be faced with. ( hands down the hardest thing )
I recently had an incredible Belgian Malinois named Diamond, here at my Dog Bowen Therapy Practice.
She and her Best Friend Kim live an impressively active life which include major weekly hikes.
( all the power to ...
I use Response5 for Degenerative Myelopathy in my daily Practice, and the results have been wonderful! Meet Dutch and see how he's doing two years after his diagnosis...
I'm thrilled to share Kathy's accomplishment with you! Kathy has completed her Response5 case studies and her Response5 Completion Certificate has been mailed! ( Get all the details for your FREE certification in the Reference Library )
Cookie's new home and spay surgery made less stressful with Response5
Rosie just had her 3rd Response5 session and is lying flat out on her side, half asleep!
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